Contact Info:
Your Letters, Reception Reports, Comments, Suggestions, Requests and Wishes are most welcome!
Send them to our address:
Radio Spaceshuttle International P.O.Box 2702 6049 ZG HERTEN The Netherlands
PS. Please, Do not forget enclose some EURO or IRC's for return postage!
General Info
RSI's first transmission day was 11th of October 2002 and we had transmissions on 6305 and 6270 kHz. Next day we tested our frequency of 15810 kHz. After that we have had few transmissions during some weekends.
Nowadays our main frequency is on 22 mb 13805 kHz and in some cases on 48 meters shortwave band.
The power of our transmitter is a. 10 to 60 watts. We have broadcast on AM and SSB-modes.
As aerial we have used half wave-dipoles
Members Club of RSI!
All listeners who has sent 6 (six) correct and verified listening reports has automaticly added to our Members Club of RSI.
When you have been accepted to be our member you will got some advantages like:
1. A little Members Package (Members Card,Stickers etc.)
2. 15 minutes of FREE airtime from RSI.
It is totally your own decicion do you use or not these members offers then.
If you have any comments or questions please drop a message to our e-mail
You can't hide any more, because you have been now counted! This page has been loaded     times since 22nd January 2003!

Our QSL Collection
Radio Spaceshuttle likes to receive listening reports. We shall verify all correct reports came to our snailmail address in Herten. Please, add some EURO or IRC's for our costs!
We have a large collection of different QSL's! And more to come...
E-mail to Radio Spaceshuttle |